Dr Keith Warrington - Academic Biography
1983 – 2013 Regents Theological College (RTC)
2010- Word and Spirit
Life before RTC
After my A levels, I worked in local government for a year and then left South Wales (Caerphilly) and worked with Operation Mobilisation for 15 months in England, Belgium and Italy. After that, Judy and I were married and we went to London where I studied at London Bible College and gained my BA while Judy worked at Northwick Park Hospital in the Research and Development Department. Thereafter, we planted an Elim church in Bootle, Merseyside. After 5 years there, we led an Elim church in Ilkeston, Derbyshire before undertaking my role as NT lecturer at RTC (then known as Elim Bible College, based in Capel, Surrey).
RTC role:
For all of my time there, I was a NT tutor though functioned in a number of roles including Director of Undergraduate Studies, Director of Postgraduate Studies, Vice-Principal and Director of Doctoral Studies, as well as having a full research and writing portfolio.
RTC has been existence, as a residential College, whilst also accommodating day students, since the beginning of the twentieth century and has seen significant numbers of students trained for pastoral and para-church ministry as well as being prepared for other careers. The College moved to its new campus in the Malvern Hills, just south of Worcester, in 2009. It educates and trains a wide range of Christians from a variety of Pentecostal, Charismatic and Evangelical denominations and Church streams. It offers an undergraduate degree in Applied Theology (BA) [part-time, full-time and distance learning] with Performing Arts, Youth, Leadership and Theology tracks, Masters degrees (MA in Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies, Masters in Applied Theology and Masters by Research [part time and full time]) as well as offering supervision for MPhil and PhD research degrees, validated by the University of Chester. It also offers one year, non-University validated full time study programmes (School of Ministry). Check it out at Regents Theological College.
BA Theol (Hons) (London Bible College, now London School of Theology), 1974-1977;
MPhil (London): “An Exegesis of James 5:13-18″; Supervisors: Dr. Richard T. France and Prof. James D. G. Dunn
PhD (King’s College, University of London): “The teaching and praxis concerning supernatural healing of British Pentecostals, John Wimber and Kenneth Hagin in the light of an analysis of the healing ministry of Jesus as recorded in the Gospels: Supervisor: Prof. Andrew Walker.
Academic Roles:
2013- Reader in Pentecostal Studies, RTC
1983- 2016 Lecturer, RTC
Undergraduate Studies (BA in Applied Theology) NT Studies; Jesus in the Gospels.
Postgraduate Studies (MA in Studies in Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies; MTh in Applied Theology) Pauline Pneumatology; Healing and Exorcism in the NT; supervision of MA and MTh theses
Doctoral supervision (MPhil, PhD and DMin)
2005 – 2012 Honorary Lecturer, University of Bangor, Wales
2006 – 2011 Honorary Professor, Bakke Graduate University, Seattle
2006 – 2013 Vice-Principal and Director of Doctoral Studies
2014 – 2014 Acting Principal, RTC
2022 – Academic Dean, The New International University
1988 – 2014 European Pentecostal Theological Association (EPTA)
1989 – 2014 Society of Pentecostal Studies
1990 – 2014 Tyndale Fellowship
1990 – 2014 Society of Biblical Literature
1994 – 2005 ACUTE Committee (UK Evangelical Alliance committee discussing theological issues affecting the EA constituency)
1996 – 2012 Founder/Chairman of the Pentecostal and Charismatic Research Fellowship
1997 – 2012 Fellowship of European Evangelical Theologians
1999 – 2012 Evangelical Theological Society
2001 – 2012 PenticoStudies Editorial Board
2001 – 2010 Editor Studies in Charismatic and Pentecostal Issues (Paternoster Press)
2001 – 2006 External examiner, University of Paisley and Scottish Baptist College
2002 – 2003 Mission and Evangelism Committee (WCC) Faith, Health, Healing and Mission
1994 – 2005 Editor of the Journal of the European Pentecostal Theological Association
1997 – 2007 Panel of Theology, Board for Validation, University of Manchester
2006 – 2014 Editorial Board, Journal of the European Pentecostal Theological Association
2010 – 2016 Editorial Board, Journal of Biblical and Pneumatological Research
2012- present Editorial Board, Journal of Youngsan Theology
2016 – present Editorial Board, Systematic Pentecostal and Charismatic Theology, Bloomsbury Press
Research interests:
The roles and person of the Spirit, the life and mission of Jesus and healing and suffering have been my most recent interests though I am now heavily engaged in training leaders in Africa and Asia in the development and mission of Word and Spirit.
Personal Life outside RTC:
After a career with Air Products, a multi-national gas company, where she had a European portfolio, Judy is now engaged with me in Word and Spirit as well as volunteering in the Christian Bookshop in our local village of Bromyard. We have 2 great children, Luke and Anna-Marie. Luke is married to Laura. They have worked as linguists with Wycliffe Bible Translators, in Papua New Guinea and the Philippines. Now, Luke works as a Writer for Tear Fund. They have 2 daughters – Penny Rae (born 2014) and Megan Fay (2015). Anna-Marie is living and working in the Lake District with her husband, Chris, and their daughters, Poppy Willow (born 2010), Liberty Blossom (2012) and Phoebe Meadow (2014). They are joint owners of an Art Restoration Company with offices in London and Carlisle (www.fineart-restoration.co.uk). We enjoy meeting up as a family and Judy and I like holidays…anywhere and (nearly) everywhere.