Book Reviews - Written by Dr Keith Warrington
Book Reviews:
Arrington, F.L., Acts of the Apostles (Peabody: Hendrickson) EPTA Bulletin (1998) 94.
Baker, W.R., Personal Speech-Ethics in the Epistle of James (The Evangelical Quarterly).
Blanchard, J., Truth for Life
Bulgakov, S., The Comforter (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2004).
Davies, J.L., Jesus the Healer: Possession, Trance and the Origins of Christianity (London: SCM, 1995) JEPTA 16 (1996) 90-92.
Dempster, M.W., Klaus, B.D., Petersen D., (editors) The Globalization of Pentecostalism. A Religion made to Travel. Oxford: Regnum, 1999.
Dwyer, T., The Motif of Wonder in the Gospel of Mark (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1996) JEPTA 19 (1999) 113-114.
Gaiser, F.J. Healing in the Bible: Theological Insight for Christian Ministry (Pneuma 34).
Jividen, J., Miracles from God or Man (Abilene: Abilene Christian University Press, 1987) EPTA Bulletin 9.1 (1990) 35-36.
Land, Steven J., Pentecostal Spirituality: A Passion for the Kingdom (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1993) Evangelical Quarterly 68.3 (July, 1996) 271-273.
McManus, J., Healing in the Spirit. Inner Healing and Deliverance in Today’s Church (London: DLT, 1994) JEPTA 14 (1995) 113-114.
Menzies, R.P., The Development of Early Christian Pneumatology with Special Reference to Luke-Acts (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press) Themelios 19.2.
Robinson, J., Pentecostal Origins: Early Pentecostalism in Ireland in the Context of the British Isles PenticoStudies.
Stalsett, S. J., (ed.) Spirits of Globalisation: The Growth of Pentecostalism and Experiential Spiritualities in a Global Age (London: SCM, 2006).
Thomas, J.C., The Devil, Disease and Deliverance: Origins of Illness in New Testament Thought (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1988) JEPTA 18 (1998) 145-147.
Twelftree, G.H., Jesus The Miracle Worker (Downer’s Grove: Inter-Varsity Press, 1999) JEPTA 20 (2000), 157-158.
Twelftree, G. H., People of the Spirit. Exploring Luke’s View of the Church (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2009) Pneuma 32.3 (2010) 468.
Vogel, A.A., God, Prayer and Healing: Living with God in a World like Ours (Leominster: Fowler Wright Books, 1995) JEPTA 17 (1997) 112-114.
Wilkins, M.J. and T. Paige, Worship, Theology and Ministry Yong, A. Beyond the Impasse:Toward a Pneumatological Theology of Religions (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2003) Evangelical Quarterly 30.3 (2006) 281-283.the Early Church (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1992) Evangelical Quarterly 68.1 (January, 1996) 73-76.
Wilson, M.W. (ed.), Spirit and Renewal (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1994) Evangelical Quarterly 68.3 (July, 1996) 269-271.
Yong, A. Beyond the Impasse:Toward a Pneumatological Theology of Religions (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2003) Evangelical Quarterly 30.3 (2006) 281-283.