Chapters in Books - Written by Dr Keith Warrington
Chapters in edited books:
“Healing and Exorcism. The Path to Wholeness”, Pentecostal Perspectives (Carlisle: Paternoster Press, 1998).
“Pentecostalism”, Dictionary of Contemporary Religion in the Western World (Leicester: IVP, 2002).
Contributor: Faith, Health and Prosperity, (ed. Andrew Perriman; Carlisle: Paternoster Press, 2003).
“Social transformation in the missions of Jesus and Paul: Priority or Bonus?”, Movement for Change. Evangelical Perspectives on Social Transformation (ed. David Hillborn; Carlisle: Paternoster Press, 2004) 38-55.
“Healing, Gifts of”, Encyclopedia of Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity, (ed.Stanley Burgess, London: Routledge, 2005) pp. 232-236.
“Rituals”, Encyclopedia of Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity, (ed. Stanley Burgess, London: Routledge, 2005) pp. 414-418.
“Suffering and the Spirit in Luke-Acts”, New Approaches to Luke-Acts and the Holy Spirit (ed. Paul Elbert) Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2006)
“A Spirit Theology of Suffering”, The Suffering Body. Responding to the Persecution of Christians, (eds. Hunter, H.D., Robeck, C.M. Jr., Carlisle: Paternoster Press, 2006) 37-61.
Contributor: By Grace you have been saved. Bible Studies on Healing and Reconciliation (Athens: WCC, 2005)
“Pentecostal Perspectives on College Education”, The Call and the Commission (eds. Frost, R., Wilkinson, D., Cox, J. (eds.), Milton Keynes: Paternoster Press, 2009) 37-61.
“Exorcism”, “Gifts of the Spirit”, “Healing”, “Holy Spirit”, Suffering”, 50 Essential Terms for Understanding Pentecostalism (Stewart, A., (eds), Northern Illinois University Press, (2010).
“Beliefs and Practices Relating to Healing in Pentecostalism”, Holy Spirit Unfinished Agenda (Lim, J. T. K., (ed) Singapore: Armour Publs., 2015) 47-51.
“Darovi Duha”, Binkostniki V. 21 Stoletju (Constantineanu, C., Scobie, C. J., Ljubljana: Podvig, 2016) 191-218.
“Soziale Transformation im missionarischen Wirken von Jesus und Paulus – Prioritat oder Nebensache?”, Das Evangelium den Armen (Redling, M., (ed) Erzhausen: Forum Theologie & Gemeinde, 2013) 51-76.
“The Quest for a Pentecostal Theology: a theology of Encounter”, The Challenges of Pentecostal Theology in the 21st Century (ed. Phylis Thompson, London: SPCK, 2020).
“The Gifts of the Spirit”, Pentecostals in the 21st Century – Identity, Belief, Praxis, (eds. Corneliu Constantineanu; Christopher J. Scobie, Eugene: Cascade Books, 2018).