Conference Papers - Written by Dr Keith Warrington
Conference Papers:
“James 5:13-18″, EPTA Conference, Erzhausen, Germany (28-31 March, 1989).
“The Role of Women”, Elim/Swanwick Theological Conference (1991).
“The Identification of Weakness in James 5″, Society of Pentecostal Studies Conference, Springfield, MO, (November 1992).
“Anointing with Oil in the NT”, EPTA Conference, Lisbon, Portugal (July 1994).
“The Name of Jesus in Healing and Exorcism”, SPS/EPCRA Conference, Mattersey Hall, England (July 1995).
“Cohabitation”: Swanwick Theological Conference, Elim/AOG, (November 1995).
“Jesus the Healer”, RTC Conference (June 1998).
“Healings by Jesus in Luke and in Acts: Pedagogical and Paradigmatic Explorations”, Evangelical Theological Society Conference, Boston, MA (November, 1999).
“Jesus: unique phenomenon or paradigm”, EPTA Conference, Sweden (August 2000).
“Would Jesus have sent his disciples to Bible College? Theological education with particular reference to the ministry of Jesus”, EPTA Conference, Brussels, Belgium, (June 2002).
“Old or New Covenant? Protean Pentecostal Perspectives Tyndale Conference, RTC, Nantwich (June, 2003).
“A Spirit theology of Suffering International Charismatic Consultation on World Evangelization, Malta, (January, 2004).
“Healing then: healing now: Who is our paradigm? Jesus or James? SPS Conference, Milwaukee, (March 2004).
“Where have all the healings gone? The role of the Spirit in healing and suffering”, University of Bangor, Wales, (June 2004).
“Bible or Spirit, cold text or warm friend? Who’s best for you?”, EPTA Conference, RTC, Nantwich, (July 2004).
“Exploring what the Spirit does for the believer in Ephesians”, RTC Conference, Nantwich (2005).
“Healing and suffering in the Bible”, International and Ecumenical Study Consultation on The Global Health Situation and the Mission of the Church in the 21st Century, WCC, Germany (2005).
“Revelation…of the Revealer”, RTC Conference, Nantwich (Jan. 2006).
“Deuteronomy…Awful or Awe-ful book?”, RTC Conference, Nantwich (June, 2006).
“Pentecostals and the Bible”, European Pentecostal Charismatic Research Association Conference, University of Uppsala, Sweden (September, 2007).
“Experience: The sina qua non of Pentecostalism”, Society for Pentecostal Studies Conference, Cleveland, TN (2007).
“In Pursuit of the s/Spirit of Pentecostalism”, Reach Conference, Swanwick, Sweden (October, 2007).
“Encountering the Spirit in the Christian Community”, Elim Conference, (2007).
“Cracked or Broken: Pentecostal Unity”, Indonesian Pentecostal Conference, Jakarta (November, 2008).
“Encounter: The Pentecostal Heartbeat”, Emerging Leaders Conference, (2008).
“Discovering Jesus in the Gospels”, Elim Conference, (May, 2009).
“Cracked or Broken: Pentecostal Unity”, European Pentecostal Charismatic Research Association Conference, Oxford Centre for Mission Studies (May, 2009).
“Hope in Jesus – He’s more impressive than you will ever realize”, Elim Conference, (June, 2010).
“Hope in salvation – It’s more remarkable than you might think”, Elim Conference, (June, 2010).
Hope in the Spirit – He’s more on your side than you could dare believe”, Elim Conference, (June, 2010).
“Hope in Suffering – It’s not our enemy…and rarely from the devil”, Elim Conference, (June, 2010).
“Hope for the future – It’s better, much better than you can imagine”, Elim Conference, (June, 2010).
“Social Transformation in the Missions of Pentecostals: a Priority or a Bonus”, European Pentecostal Theological Association conference, (July, 2010).
“Encountering the Spirit”, Torch Trinity Seminary, Seoul, South Korea (2010).
“The Fourth Dimension, the Word and the Spirit”, Youngsan Theological Institute Symposium, Hansei University, Seoul, South Korea (2010).
“Pentecostal Theological Education – for the 21st Century”, World Allinace for Pentecostal Theological Education Consultation, Stockholm, Sweden (August, 2010).
“Challenges facing Pentecostals Today”, Donald Gee Lecture Mattersey (September, 2010).
“Pentecostal Theological Education in Europe”, Skype Conference with Lecturers in Norway (September, 2010)
“Pauline Pneumatology”, Danish Pentecostal Seminary, Denmark (March 2011)
“Healing and Suffering”, William Menzies lectures, Asian Pentecostal Theological Seminary, Philippines (January, 2011)
“James: What does a First Century Jewish Christian offer a TwentyFirst Century Gentile Believer?”, The Miles Smith Memorial Lecture, October 2011.
“The Quest for a Pentecostal Theology”, The Oliver Lyseight Annual Lecture (NTCoG), February, 2013.